ZILDJIAN A SERIES 16˝ Medium Crash činela

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: ZILDJIAN
  • Tip: A0240
Muzički stil: suited for many playing situations
Zvuk: Svetao
Melodije: Visoka
Težina: Srednja
Finiš: Tradicionalni
Materijal: B20
Specifikacije: Full-bodied with plenty of presence
Specifikacije II: Symmetrically hammered for classic, bright sound
Specifikacije III: Higher pitch that falls in mid range of the A Series crashes
Karakteristike: Bolder crash with more cut and projection

A Zildjian Medium Crashes are bright, medium-weight crashes suited for many playing situations. They deliver bold, full-bodied crashes with more cut and projection for plenty of presence. Medium Crashes have a higher fundamental pitch that falls in the middle range of the A Series crashes. Symmetrically hammered, these cymbals produce a classic, bright sound.

Item No.: A0240

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