• Raspoloživost:
  • Prodavac: T-REX
  • Tip: 10320

With 5 isolated 12-volt outputs and a full set of standard and customized power cables, Fuel Tank Juicy Lucy will power every pedal you own. The T-Rex Fuel Tank Juicy Lucy is a 12V power unit for your effects that's built from the ground up to deliver your tone, like everything T-Rex makes. Each of the Juicy Lucy's 5 isolated outputs delivers 300 mA of 12-volt power which is enough to keep even the most demanding T-Rex pedals pumping out the tone. But what if a pedal say the tube-driven Room Mate reverb wants even more power to deliver its exquisite sound? Juicy Lucy is happy to oblige with a Current Doubler that lets you combine 2 outputs to deliver a staggering 600 mA of power.

Item No.: 10320

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