DADDARIO EZ900 10-50 Žice za akustične gitare

  • Raspoloživost: Na lageru
  • Prodavac: DADDARIO
  • Tip: 00765

  • 1.063 RSD

  • Bez PDV: 871 RSD

Raspoloživost: Na lageru

D'Addario EZ900 set žica za akustičnu gitaru pruža svijetli, dugotrajni ton, idealan za sve glazbene stilove.
85/15 bronca kombinira sjaj bronce 80/20 s dugotrajnošću fosfor bronce. 
85/15 brončana žica precizno je namotana na pažljivo izvučenu, heksagonalno oblikovanu karbonsko-čeličnu jezgru, što rezultira dugotrajnim, svijetlim tonom i izvrsnom intonacijom. 
Debljina žica: 010 - 050
Materijal žice: 85/15 Bronza
Premazan: Ne
Namotna: Round wound
Kraj žice: Loptasti kralj
Specifikacije: String gauge: 010, 014, w022, w030, w040, w050
Specifikacije II: Wound strings are round wound, made from 85/15 bronze, unwound strings are plain steel
Specifikacije III: Made in USA by D'Addario, New York, strings packaged in Corrosion Intercept bags for guaranteed

85/15 bronze (aka. Great American Bronze) is a lesser-known string that combines the sustain and long-life benefits of phosphor bronze with the brightness and brilliance of 80/20 bronze. The string starts with a D’Addario high-carbon steel hexagonal core which has high tensile strength, excellent intonation, and stable tuning. It is then precision machine wound with the 85/15 bronze wrap wire resulting in a long-lasting, bright and percussive string.

Item No.: 00765

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