• Raspoloživost:
  • Prodavac: MEINL
  • Tip: VFRS
Diameter: 2 cm
Specifikacije: For gliding on body areas of humans and animals
Specifications II: Smooth surface, easy to control
Specifications III: Trouble-free screw attachment
Karakteristike: Perfect for precise applications
Težina: 49g

The Meinl Sonic Energy Tuning Fork Vibration Feet are suitable for using tuning forks not only punctually, but for gliding on larger body areas of humans and animals, e.g. in massages or therapy. The smooth surface of the Vibration Foot is easily controllable on the skin or light clothing. Each Tuning Fork Vibration Foot can be effortlessly connected to the tuning fork using a screw at the lower end of the tuning fork (compatible with TF as well as TTF series).

Item No.: VFRS

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