• Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: MAPEX
  • Tip: 7800332

The Armory Series is the latest realization of the Mapex hybrid shell concept. A fusion of birch and maple delivers the ultimate tonal expression, and the SONIClear™ bearing edge allows the drumhead to sit flat, bringing out the best response by optimizing the relationship between head and shell. 


The Birch/Maple/Birch 6Ply 7.2mm shell with the new SONIClear™ Bearing Edge allows for the direct transmission of sound, reduces unwanted frequencies and provides a strong fundamental pitch and an effortless tuning experience especially at lower tunings.

This 6-piece shell pack includes 10"and 12" stand mounted rack toms, 14" and 16" floor toms, 14" snare drum and a 22"x18" kick.

The SONIClear™ tom suspension and floor tom feet increase overall resonance by preserving vibration in the shell and keeping stress away from the tension rods, helping the heads stay in tune.

22"X18", 10"X08", 12"X09",14"X14", 16"X16", 14"X5.5"

Birch/Maple/Birch Shells

6Ply 7.2mm Shells

SONIClear™ Tom Suspension



SONIClear™ Floor Tom Feet

Low-Contact Bass Drum Claws

Included Armory Tomahawk Snare Drum

Focused, Tonal, and Responsive

SONIClear™ Bearing Edge

Item No.: 7800332

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