EVANS TT12HR Hydraulic Red 12˝ Bubanj opna

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: EVANS
  • Tip: TT12HR
Koristi se za:: Tam
Prečnik: 12"
Sloj: 2 sloj
Debljina oboda: 7.5 mil
Završna obrada: Providljiv
Boja: Crveni

Evans™ Hydraulic™ Red series features a thin film of oil between two plies of 7mil film offering maximum durability, a fat, deep and short sound pioneered by early 70's rock and roll. Hydraulics are famously easy to tune, making them a perfect fix for troublesome drums and players with little tuning experience. 

Evans Level 360 Technology™ is incorporated to extend the level playing surface of the drumhead, 360 degrees around the drum. The vertically enhanced collar design guarantees even contact with the critical bearing edge of the drum shell, resulting in ease of tuning, extended pitch range, and optimum quality of sound. Evans Level 360 Technology resolves the age-old dilemma of traditional synthetic heads consistently not fitting the drum shell without using considerable force.

Item No.: TT12HR

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