HOHNER 559/20 Blues Band G Usne harmonike

  • Raspoloživost: Nema na zalihi
  • Prodavac: HOHNER
  • Tip: M55908
Ključ: G
Štimovanje: Rihter
Jezgro: ABS plastika, Crna
Tanje dirke: 0.9 mm
Površina dirki: Mesing
Broj jezičaka: 20
Broj rupa: 10
Dužina (cm): 10 cm / 3.9”
Specifikacije: Tonal range: 3 octaves

Blues Band; Blues is an incredibly versatile and eclectic genre. There’s different styles throughout the US, the UK has its own blues scene, and Irish folk has bluesy influences as well – or does blues have Irish influences? Whichever came first, blues is known and loved around the globe. With the Blues Band, you can join the fun, play along to your favorites, or jam with friends. It’s the perfect first blues harmonica for a small budget.

Item No.: M55908

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