RICO D7M Usnik za Alt saksofon

Specifikacije: The Select Jazz line is milled not molded, from solid rod rubber, using D’Addario’s precise computer
Specifikacije II: Classic sound and response, with even intonation across the entire range of the saxophone
Specifikacije III: Features medium chambers and facing lengths
Karakteristike: Features medium chambers and facing lengths

The D'Addario Select Jazz mouthpiece captures the feel and tone of legendary artists from years past. Now, today's saxophonists have a chance to discover for themselves the sound that, for decades, set the standard of jazz. The D'Addario Select Jazz Mouthpiece brings forth a perfect union of tradition and innovation.100% precision-milled, vintage-inspired jazz mouthpieces100% precision-milled, vintage-inspired jazz mouthpieces


Item No.: MJS-D7M

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