
Want to spice up your show with lighting?

Stage lighting is a very important part of your performance and significantly affects the impression you will make on your audience.

Stage lighting and effects are an essential part of any live event and emphasize stage performance, create moods, energy and atmosphere during the performance, and can affect the feelings of the audience and arouse certain emotional states.

Stage lighting is a lighting technique as we encounter it in theater, opera, ballet, at music concerts and other performances. Several different types of stage lighting instruments are used in this discipline. Modern stage lighting can include special effects in addition to basic lighting, such as lasers and fog machines. People who do stage lighting are usually called lighting technicians or lighting designers.

Equipment used for stage lighting (e.g. cables, dimmers, lighting instruments, controllers) is also used in other stage lighting cases, including corporate events, concerts, fairs, television shows, film production, photo studios and other types of live events.

Lighting functions

Stage lighting has several functions including:

  • Selective visibility: the ability to see what is happening on stage. Any light design will be ineffective if viewers are unable to see the signs unless it is an explicit intention;
  • revealing form: changing the perception of forms on stage, especially three-dimensional stage elements;
  • focus: directing the audience’s attention to one area of the stage or distracting attention from another.
  • mood: Adjust tone of the scene. A sharp red light has a different effect than a soft lavender like light.
  • location and time of day: set or change the position in time and space. Blue can conjure up night time, while orange and red can conjure up sunrise or sunset. The use of mechanical filters is used to project scenes of the starry sky, moon, etc.;
  • projection / stage elements: stage lighting can be used for projecting the scenery or for scenography on stage;
  • plot of the play (scenario): A light event can trigger or accelerate events on and off stage.
  • composition: stage lighting can be used to show only those parts of the stage that the designer wants the audience to see and to »draw a picture or scenes«.
  • effects: colored lights and lasers can be used as a visual effect at pop and rock concerts, DJ shows or raves.

Lighting design is an art form, so no way is the “right” way. There are contemporary views that say that stage lighting helps to create the environment in which the event takes place, while supporting the style of the artwork.

Stage lighting instruments

Within lighting design, a lighting instrument (also called a lamp or bulb) is a device that produces controlled lighting as part of the effects that the lighting designer contributes to the performance. The term light instrument is better than light to avoid confusion between light and light sources.

Various lighting instruments are often used at venues. Although they differ in many ways, they all have the following four basic components in one form or another:

  • housing - metal or plastic construction to accommodate the entire instrument and prevent light from leaking in unwanted directions;
  • light source (illuminant or light bulb).
  • lens or aperture - the aperture in the housing from which the light is supposed to emanate;
  • reflector - placed behind or around a light source by directing more light towards a lens or aperture.

Additional features vary depending on the exact type of installation.

Most theater light bulbs are tungsten halogens (or quartz halogens), an improvement on the original light bulb that uses halogen gas instead of an inert gas to increase the life and power of the light bulb. Fluorescent lights are less commonly used, usually only as work lights, because despite being much more efficient, they are impossible to dim (operate at less than full power) without the use of specialized dimming ballasts, and only very expensive models will also dimmed to a very low level.

In recent years, LED-based stage lighting fixtures have been introduced to the market. Some of these devices became very popular, while others were unable to reach the performance levels of incandescent and fluorescent light sources popular with lighting designers. LED lights have a positive impact on the lighting market and are becoming increasingly popular, especially compared to the much higher energy consumption of current sources - conventional, halogen and fluorescent lamps.

In our offer of stage lighting you will find various reflectors, lighting sets, LED bar lights, lasers, sponge scanners, moving head lights, stroboscopes, lighting effects, DMX interfaces, smoke and liquid devices, bubble devices, etc.


18.751 RSD


Boja: CrnaKontrole: Value Down, Value Up, Enter, modeSpecifikacije: Standalone modes: sound control, Auto runKarakteristike: DMX Functions: Prism, PAN..

45.960 RSD

Kontrole: Enter, Mode, Value Down, Value UpSpecifikacije: LED type 12 WSpecifikacije II: Dispersion with frost filter 600lx (single LED) 41 °, without..

41.475 RSD

BEAMZ MAGIC2 DERBY kombinira snagu 3 spektakularna efekta u jednom! Kombinacija širokih kutnih crvenih i zelenih laserskih zraka, snažnog stroboskopa ..

17.374 RSD

BEAMZ PARTYBAR10; MAX PartyBar serija sastoji se od niza kompletnih setova opremljenih spektakularnim LED svjetlosnim efektima. Svi setovi opremljeni ..

28.749 RSD

BEAMZ S1500LED je 1500W DMX dim mašina s 9x 3W RGB LED efektom koji proizvodi zadivljujući, svjetlucavi i šareni svjetlosni show s nevjerojatnom emisi..

24.751 RSD

Boja: Product colour BlackKontrole: Master/Slave modeSpecifikacije: Soft Panel LED Light with DMX or manual ControlSpecifikacije II: 256pcs ultra brig..

23.750 RSD

Kontrole: Control panel with LED displaySpecifikacije: Compact Flood Light, Bracket with quick lock systemSpecifikacije II: 9x 8W 4-in-1 LEDs,Waterpro..

31.125 RSD

BEAMZ PARTYBAR12; MAX PartyBar serija sastoji se od niza kompletnih setova opremljenih spektakularnim LED svjetlosnim efektima. Svi setovi opremljeni ..

28.743 RSD

BEAMZ MHL74 je vrlo kompaktno LED Moving head osvjetljenje za profesionalnu upotrebu u kazalištima, na pozornici, koncertima, diskotekama, itd. Temelj..

18.881 RSD

BEAMZ PARTYBAR2 je kompletno DJ rasvjetno rješenje opremljeno s 2 PAR reflektora s RGBW LED diodama visokog intenziteta i 2 Derby svjetla. Partybar2 s..

24.874 RSD

BEAMZ DERBYSTROBE LED svetlosni efekat

BEAMZ LED Derby sa Strobe efektom kombinira snagu dva spektakularna efekta u jednom! Ovaj svjetlosni efekt proizvodi 28 zraka u 4 različite boje, ukup..

11.500 RSD

BEAMZ S1500 je stroj za dim, prikladan za svaku zabavu ili događaj. Dolazi s žičanim daljinskim upravljačem s izlaznom kontrolom, a može se kontrolira..

21.126 RSD

Kontrole: Wireless remote controlSpecifikacije: Heating element 500WSpecifikacije II: Heat-up time (minutes) 2.5, Re-Heat time (minutes) 0.5Specifikac..

5.000 RSD

Pretvorite svoj party, klub ili neki drugi događaj u pravi spektakl uz BEAMZ JB90R Star Ball spektakularni svjetlosni efekt! LED disko kugla sadrži sv..

5.376 RSD

BEAMZ Mirror Ball MB30M LED svetlosni efekat

BEAMZ MB30M je visoko-reflektirajuća disko kugla promjera 30 cm, s lancem za pričvršćivanje od 15 cm. Motor koji je pokreće je vrlo tih, a u kombinaci..

9.251 RSD

BEAMZ APOLLO je kompaktni mini laser klase 3B koji stvara podesivi efekt zvjezdanog neba u crvenoj i zelenoj boji. Idealno za barove, klubove itd.Spec..

4.369 RSD

Specifikacije: 3 LEDs in red, green and blue colorSpecifikacije II: Automatic programsSpecifikacije III: Sturdy metal housingPribor: Including adapter..

8.284 RSD

BEAMZ Bianca Double laser je crvena, zelena i plava plug and play laserska jedinica koja stvara 12 različitih gobo efekata. Crveni, zeleni i plavi las..

15.322 RSD

BEAMZ BT-420 je mali, kompaktan i snažan (70W) LED reflektor pogodan za glazbenike, DJ-e, diskoteke i druge. Radi prema ugrađenim programima (priložen..

16.250 RSD

BEAMZ PS12W je kompaktni "pinspot" reflektor sa snažnim 4-u-1 LED svjetlom od 12 W. LED se sastoji od crvene, zelene, plave i bijele boje, a intenzite..

9.624 RSD

MAX PartyBar serija sastoji se od niza kompletnih setova opremljenih spektakularnim LED svjetlosnim efektima. Svi setovi opremljeni su LED diodama vis..

26.244 RSD

BEAMZ SlimPAR45 je najveća verzija SlimPAR serije reflektora, opremljen s 18 super-svijetlih 3W RGB LED dioda u kompaktnom kućištu koje može stati got..

11.875 RSD

BEAMZ S700-LED je kompaktna dim mašina od 700 W sa žutim LED diodama za jedinstveni efekt plamena uz stvaranje magle. Efekt LED plamena može se isklju..

8.876 RSD

BEAMZ BUV63 je snažan UV uređaj koji može pokriti široko područje. Zahvaljujući svom niskoprofilnom dizajnu, može se instalirati na gotovo bilo koji z..

4.238 RSD

Diameter: For 48 - 51 mm pipe/truss diameterSpecifikacije: Quick Release ClampSpecifikacije II: Designed to couple and uncouple quicklySpecifikacije I..

1.237 RSD

BEAMZ B500LED: ovaj lagan, čvrst i jedinstven prozirni stroj za mjehuriće stvara mjehuriće velikom izlaznom brzinom koja prkosi malim dimenzijama uređ..

7.375 RSD


EUROLITEExtension cord for FP-1 foot switch 10mItem No.: 42109711..

2.356 RSD

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